11 nov 2023 Winter Workshop – Cork UCC

We will once again host a Spanish teachers workshop in collaboration with The School of Education UCC PME Programme on the 11th of November in UCC.


  • Olan Geaney . “Español y la selectividad – En busca de la motivación”
  • Dr.Craig Neville “ChatGPT in the Spanish Language”
  • Methodology Carousel

Where? Classroom UCC ORB. Cork.
When? 11th of November 9:30am-3pm


24-30 sept 23 National Teach Spanish Week – NTSW

National Teach Spanish Week! ¡Semana Nacional de la Enseñanza del Español!


National Teach Spanish Week (formerly National Teach Spanish Day) has been extended by popular demand to a week-long event! The program highlights student and faculty teaching and engagement with Spanish language and culture(s) in the US and abroad. The event is held each year in conjunction with Hispanic/Latino/Latinx Heritage Month.

The purpose of National Teach Spanish Week is

1. To promote the teaching of Spanish as a profession.
2. To call attention to the current Spanish teacher shortage (Pre-K-16+) in the US.
3. To emphasize the importance of Spanish as a world language.

29-30 sept 23 XI Congreso de Hispanistas de Ucrania: El hispanismo y la guerra

XI Congreso de Hispanistas de Ucrania

El hispanismo y la guerra

Lviv, 29 – 30 de septiembre de 2023

Lugar: Universidad Nacional Iván Frankó de Lviv / Universidad Católica de Lviv, Ucrania

Formato: Combinado (presencial y en línea)
